Knitting Traditions

PDK (Public Displays of Knitting)

Knitting (or really any kind of crafting) in public seems, for some reason, to be somewhat problematic.  In spite of being a relatively harmless activity, crafting in public seems to bother people. Not everyone, obviously, but enough so that there are whole conversation threads on Ravelry about issues people have had knitting in public.  I’m… Continue reading PDK (Public Displays of Knitting)

Knitting Traditions

44th Annual Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival – Guest Post!

Today’s post (text and photos) is from guest blogger Katy!  She is known as @kpknitty on Instagram. She is a brilliant knitter and all-around  great person 🙂   As a knitter of 10 years and new hand spinner, I decided it was the perfect time to pay my first visit to the annual Maryland Sheep and… Continue reading 44th Annual Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival – Guest Post!