General blather

Tea for Two: David’s Tea

I tried out a new-to-me tea company this week – David’s Tea. They seem to be based in Canada, though they have a few shops here and there in the US. However, you can shop from them online, and they have quite an interesting array of teas.

What drew me in though, was that they have a Halloween collection. I decided to try their Monster Mash tea, which is pumpkin butter and cinnamon flavored.

It is rooibos based, as a lot of pumpkin teas seem to be. Pumpkin and cinnamon are listed right after rooibos, followed by apple, sugar carrots, ginger, sugar sprinkles and a bunch of spices. Specifically, cardamom, cloves and nutmeg.

And they are not kidding about the sugar sprinkles. See the little moons and witch hats? They are sprinkles like you would put on cupcakes. So how does it taste? It is pretty sweet. I mostly got apple and carrot flavors in my first cup, along with the spices. I did not get a lot of pumpkin, which may be a function of how the ingredients happened to be in the bag as much as anything else. It did taste very good, just not pumpkiny.

The other thing I ordered from David’s was a Halloween fortune-teller mug.

The outside has different spooky symbols on it – not necessarily related to fortune-telling, but nifty anyway.

I love fortune-teller teacups, and have a couple from various places.

And the best part about this mug is it has a color-changing element to it! When you pour hot water (or tea) into, another design appears. Before…


Ta da!

So all in all, perfectly fine autumn tea and a super-nifty Halloween mug. How about you? Had any good new tea lately, or alternately, found any cool new Halloween items? Do tell!

12 thoughts on “Tea for Two: David’s Tea

  1. That mug is really cool. I think the tea sounds delicious, but probably better without the sprinkles. I don’t like my tea sweet. I don’t have any new Halloween decorations, but I did bring out my Halloween blanket the other day – it is just one huge orange and black granny square.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – I’m enjoying it ๐Ÿ™‚ I agree about the sprinkles. I don’t usually sweeten tea. It’s not terrible, but if there was an option without them I would go for it ๐Ÿ™‚
      That sounds like a pretty cool blanket! Did you make it?

      Liked by 1 person

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