General blather

Baking Experiment 3: Lemon Cake

I’m on a real citrus kick lately! This past weekend I baked a lemon cake, using this recipe. It’s meant to be lemon-lime, but I decided to do just lemon. I’m really big into the bundt cakes lately, and baked this one in a fancy bundt pan.

It turned out great! It was just moist enough, had a nice texture, and was just lemony enough as well. Sadly, I didn’t get pictures of the inside of the cake because we were pretty focused on eating it.

So this is now two regular cakes in a row that worked exactly like they were supposed to, which is an unprecedented level of baking success for me. My big secret is – I’m following the directions. I’m an improvisational cook, and I think my primary issues with baking in the past is I tried that with baking too. Spoiler alert – it usually doesn’t work.

If I am going to continue with my pattern, next up should be a pie. Possibly lemon meringue? It does continue with the citrus theme, so we will hopefully continue to avoid scurvy. And then also it gives me a chance to try making meringue. The other possibility is a King Cake – that will give me a lot of new things to try. Well, time will tell!

Have you had any food-related adventures lately? Do tell!

18 thoughts on “Baking Experiment 3: Lemon Cake

  1. Yum looks delicious lemon is probably my favourite flavour in desserts…lemon meringue pie being my favourite so I look forward to seeing your next creation too. I’ve just ordered Seasonal Soups and Nordic Baker cookbooks….so will see how that goes once they arrive.

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    1. LOL! Yup – avoiding scurvy is pretty important 🙂 Thank you! Very happy with how it turned out. I might even be chuffed!
      I am obsessed with these pans right now. I did not do the glaze. If/when I make this cake again I will probably try it.
      I’m pretty excited to do the lemon meringue pie too! It should be in 2 weeks, but I might do it this weekend.

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  2. You have solved the mystery of baking. It requires following the recipe very carefully, because baking involves chemistry! I love cakes, too, but I must confess that is a strange looking bundt cake.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have a hankering for king cake, but I don’t want to make it. This week has been too busy! I’m still not caught up from VKLive, and I’m heading to Red Alder on Wednesday. And it’s Chinese New Year and Super Sportsball this weekend. Long story short, I ordered a king cake and will pick it up tomorrow!

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