
Trek Binge and Minor Progress

In addition to Wednesday being a day with no knitting, Thursday was too. It was so insanely busy and stressful that there was no time and no energy left for it at all.

So I was very glad to get home this evening, heat up hot dogs for dinner, and settle in for an evening of Picard, Discovery, and knitting.

Although we are generally Trek fans, we had not gotten started with Discovery before this. Basically because it wasn’t on any of the online video sources we were watching, so we kind of forgot about it. But then I started seeing ads for Picard and found I was able to sign up for CBS All Access on Amazon. And there was Discovery too! So we are watching Picard as it comes out and catching up on Discovery. Discovery is a pretty good show! We are only about halfway through season 1, but so far it is very nuanced and interesting. Good writing, characters with some depth, plus also Klingons – what’s not to like? We are also enjoying Picard – the show is only up to episode 3, so we are still finding out what is going on, but so far it’s intriguing. Following along with Picard is Ready Room, a show with interviews and scenes about that week’s Picard episode, hosted by Wil Wheaton. It’s kind of fun behind-the-scenes stuff. If you like geeking out with Wil Wheaton, you will like Ready Room as well.

It was a very relaxing end to a kind of wretched week, and also I got a bit done on my socks.

I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with these socks – they are to the point where if I really focus and work on them this weekend, I think they could be done!

I don’t think I am going to knit every last bit of this yarn. I’ll finish the blue and white section going on now, then do the next red/gold stripe section as the ribbing and call it good. That leaves some left over for mending, or adding some WW goodness to another project. Maybe Dolores needs a cape or something?

What are your weekend knitting plans?

12 thoughts on “Trek Binge and Minor Progress

  1. I have never watched Star Trek before but my husband’s been watching Discovery the last couple of weeks and I find I don’t mind it! I don’t always sit and watch with him, but I actually enjoy more of it than I expected. And yes, Dolores TOTALLY needs a WW cape!

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