General blather

Plant Update

Well, most of my seedlings survived to be planted outside this week! I was hoping to get them out sooner, but it was in the 40’s at night up until recently, and they are still pretty tiny baby plants. We don’t have the dramatic flowers right away or the mature plants that we would have if we’d bought plants at a garden shop. However, they are alive and thriving!

We have a couple pots like this and some flowers along the walkway
…and a few hanging baskets

They aren’t as full as they would be if we’d just bought plants, but on the other hand, starting from seeds saved just a ton of money. Also, fussing with the seedlings kept me partially out of trouble for a good month and a half. So that’s something πŸ™‚

As a side note, these pictures were taken at 11:15 at night! we are getting near the solstice, so we have at least a little light through most of the night now. They will grow pretty quickly at this point.

If we do our flowers this way again next year, I would definitely start them at least a month earlier. Otherwise, I’m happy with how well they are doing!

10 thoughts on “Plant Update

  1. They look great. I think I’ll try starting from seed next year.
    HOLY COW THAT IS SO LATE YOU MUST BE EXHAUSTED ALL SUMMER!!!! (I think you know me well enough to imagine me saying that in my spazzy excited voice).

    Liked by 1 person

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