General blather


Our big news here is that we finally got some rain! It has been very dry in southeast Alaska for the last month or so and pretty windy as well. There are some pretty big wildfires burning near Anchorage, and as a consequence we have had really bad smoke for the last several week. Most days last week we could not see the mountains at all. However, Friday night we finally got some rain pushing through the area. Not a lot, but some. Then a bit more Saturday night and some today. And we are expecting more over the next couple of days. It hasn’t been enough to put out the fires, but it has helped. And also, look – mountains!

That is the clearest our skies have been for the last couple of weeks!

Hope your weather is wonderful and you are having a great weekend!

9 thoughts on “Rain!

    1. There are usually fires somewhere in the state every year. We don’t often get them so close to Anchorage. Part of the problem is they have been so persistent, and as a result our air quality has been pretty terrible for a while now.

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