General blather

Little of This, Little of That

The big news in my knitting world today is that I should get my first pattern email from Kate Davies Knitting Season tomorrow, and the first creativity exercise? assignment? this Sunday. So I’m pretty excited about that. In other news…

Schooner has a front! Or bow, in nautical language ๐Ÿ™‚

Got the front (or bow) of my Schooner done and blocking! So hopefully tomorrow I will start on sewing it together and doing the finishing knitting.

And also, I have begun swatching for this month and next month’s CustomFit patterns, as advertised.

Happy Friday!

12 thoughts on “Little of This, Little of That

      1. Yes! I don’t know about the permissions issue, personally. I enjoyed the poem, though I don’t think I got out of it what she got out of it. I am looking forward to the motif challenge, though!


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